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Our Friends!

This links to the Posh Paper Lady on YouTube. She loves Reptile Adhesive! If you are a Crafter, you will LOVE her videos!

Baxter was born in Germany and shipped to Alabama in 1969. My Uncle Bob bought him Brand New in Huntsville, Alabama. He was originally Red and White and was later painted all White.

He is the future mascot of Reptile Adhesive!

Renovate, Remodel & Repair!

A Full Scale Construction Service, we address all of

your Home Improvement Needs.

We also Specialize in Tenting and Loose Tile Repair.

I am Tom Barber III, a native south Florida sculpture artist. The fascination of exploring nature has been my inspiration to create art from driftwood. To find the natural treasures along beaches or nestled in the mangrove backwaters, then transforming it to "Green Art" has been motivation to learn more and protect our most beautiful resource, the environment.

We buy (cash!), sell and trade surfboards for adults and

kids, and we offer other surfing gear and accessories.

I have a great collection of vintage surf boards on

display free to the public, too.

Cleveland Creative

Currently, Joel is the brains and brawn of Cleveland Creative Inc., a New York based shop whose founder has done it all, from opening the first Ice Hotel in the Amazon to setting the world record for longest conversation without using the letter “e.”


He is also the designer of the Reptile Logo, Name and Labels!

I have been in business since 2007.

I love what I do, I love my clients, I love working

for myself and I am a great boss!

After working a few years for other people, I decided 

to open my own business and I've enjoyed every

minute of the past 10 years :)

Fragrance & Aluminum Free Deodorant

Puer Deodorant is Fragrance Free, Aluminum Free, Paraben Free, Additive Free. Just Puer Deodorant!

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Reptile Premium All Prpose Liquid Craft Glue

Reptile Premium Loose Tile & Craft Adhesive

Reptile Adhesive LLC | 660 NE Ocean Blvd, Stuart, Florida, United States | 772-888-6066

Reptile 10 oz Loose Tile and Wood Floor Repair Adhesive
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